
Maintain an overview of your candidates

See where your candidates are in the hiring process, how many are responding per vacancy and what is the next step you need to take.Take charge and hold it.

Candidate management

Manage your candidates effortlessly on one convenient page

Caraer makes managing candidates easier than ever. See at a glance the status and potential of your candidates. Fully synchronized with your ATS and CRM.

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Candidate Pool

Manage all your candidates in different pools

The candidate pool allows you to stockpile talented candidates in a special pool based on their specialties. This gives you quick access to suitable candidates for your open position.

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AI matches the perfect candidate to your job posting

Discover your perfect match! Our advanced “matching” feature makes it effortless to find the ideal candidates for any position.

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CV scan

Finding the right match faster than ever

The resume scan tool helps you quickly search resumes and easily find important information. This saves time and helps you discover the right candidates.

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A pro tip from our team

"Never lose sight of your candidates! In this candidate-driven market, you can lose him or her to your competitor in no time if you don't stay top of mind."
Nina Zwaanswijk

Recruitment Marketer

All functionalities

All the functionality you need for your working bee

From all places

Collect candidates from campaigns, your ATS or manually.

Collaborate flawlessly

Caraer is the system you work with, but also allows the systems to work together.

Know what to invest in

Should you pay more attention to building talent pools, or is candidate follow-up insufficient? With Caraer, you find out where you can give more attention to make the candidate experience outstanding.

Update status

Change the status of candidates from call rounds, to interview rounds and rejection. Know what to do.

Take notes

Write down all the important information about your candidates and the hiring process and share it with your colleagues.

Lead scoring

Automatically score your candidates and stop wasting time on candidates who are not qualified.

Automatic emails

Is your candidate moving to the next stage? Automatically send emails to your candidate.

Be transparent

Make sure candidates are always aware of what is expected of them in every step of the hiring process.

Each step of the process

Always know where a candidate is in the process so you can give the best candidate experience.

don’t miss these features

don’t miss these features

don’t miss these features

don’t miss these features

don’t miss these features


We help you as a recruiter take on the role of a marketer and get a handle on the success of your recruitment campaigns.

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You can integrate with all the major systems you need in your recruitment process such as an ATS, CRM and Google for Jobs.

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A powerful system enriches your recruitment, especially when it works with all your trusted systems.

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Schedule a demo appointment with our team

Get to know Caraer during a tour by one of our experts and find out how it can work for your organization.

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Create an account and start attracting candidates!

Ready to deploy Caraer for your organization? Invest in an optimal candidate experience.

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